Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What In the World Are We Thinking?

Greetings, this is your minister of defense, Xavier Smith signing on. So here is what is on my mind. Why are we, as a society, so reactionary, instead of being proactive? It would seem to me that most of us have our priorities all wrong. I mean, when you woke up this morning, I am sure you washed your face didn't you? Then you brushed your teeth as well right? If I were a betting man, I would even put money on the fact that you would probably not even think about traveling in your car without making sure you had a spare tire. Are you feeling me on this so far? So why, when it comes to your personal safety or the safety of your children and other loved ones, why do we take such a lax approach toward staying safe? Seriously folks, we need to reevaluate our thinking about safety.

We are the first to spend money on a new pair of jeans or some concerts tickets, however, you will not even entertain the thought of learning basic self defense for yourself or your family members, until something happens to you or someone you know. Well that is the very definition of reaction. Let me tell you something. It is a better idea to learn the basics before you need them. I have many friends in the same line of work who would agree with me on this, so let's all start taking a more pro-active role and know it before you need it!

I am getting off my soap box now, and getting ready to sign off but as you read this, help me understand what your thoughts are on this. What are you doing to be more pro-active? Do you think self defense should be a part of your routine? This is the minister of defense and I am signing off. Let me know if I can be of service to you!

Got gear? http://gotmydefensegear.com/

Need lessons? http://ministerofdefense.net/

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