Friday, October 30, 2009

A Defensive Stance Against Home Invasions

Hey all, this is your Minister of Defense with a note on your safety. In this post, I will focus on home invasions! Just last night in the west valley a woman was tied up while the bad guys carried on with their evil doings! This case actually made the news, but just think about the many others that do not get reported!

It just trips me out when I hear things like this happen and I know there are some simple adjustments you can make to make yourself a less vulnerable target. So let's talk about solutions. The number one action you can take to avoid being a victim is being aware! We all have an internal alarm that warns us to danger, just like animals have. The difference between animals and us humans, is that animals actually listen to that alarm that tells them when danger is afoot. We humans tend to rationalize and walk right into danger.

The solution is to observe what is going on around your neighborhood. Is there a car on your street that has never been there before? Are there people walking around that you have never seen? Do you have a plan of action for when something does take place or are you one of those who think nothing will ever happen to you because it happens to other people? Let me tell you something. You are that other person. It is not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

You must stay aware of what is taking place around you and your neighborhood! A little advance warning is always good when it comes to home invasions. Security cameras, window alarms, and home alarms that you actually use will help keep you from becoming a victim!

This is not posted to scare you, but rather it is posted to bring attention to the fact that this is real. Let's get pro-active and do something about it!

This is your Minister of Defense, and I am out!

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