Monday, November 16, 2009

The Power of God

Hey everyone, this is your Minister of Defense, Xavier Smith. I just wanted to share some information with you today about the awesome strength of God at work. As you may know, the company Xcellent Solutions is all about providing solutions with self-defense, self-defense products, and Fun-Fit Boot Camps. Central Christian Church also is all about providing solutions on a much larger scale, however. As a member of Central, what better way to be an example of God at work than to be a solution to God's children just south of the boarder?

The leadership at Central put the challenge out to do something about serving God's purpose abroad as they do every year. So when the opportunity came to travel to Mexico to build homes for the people living there, it was as if God was speaking directly to us! Let me just tell you that my perspective has changed from this four day trip. I know there is absolutely nothing I have to complain about, being a US citizen.

Let me share some pictures with you. We had over 100 people on this trip and we were all focused on building houses in Pueto Penasco Mexico. I have to say, I was amazed at how quickly you can get something done when everyone is connected to one source and one focus.
For example, our mission and desire to manifest God's will is what allowed everyone to maintain a plesant dispostion while being held up at the boarder for nine hours due to a mix up with the paperwork.

As you can see, we were not going to let a little mix up with paperwork keep us from doing God's work. While we were waiting for clearance, we actually had an opportunity to worship and eat chow hall style by pulling the grills off the trailers and grilling on the spot.

It doesn't get any better than this! The food was awesome! We had the best kitchen crew with us and I am so thankful to all the men and women who prepared the food!

Once we got clearance to go into Mexico, we were able to focus on the reason we where there. Our crew, headed up by Rick started right away erecting a new home for our host family.We got this home, and a couple others done is just four days!

Here is the whole of site 3 with the family in the middle and the creation of God's will through His children. I am honored to be a part of such a beautiful thing. I just could not figure who was more blessed by this... the host family or us?

These pictures are just the tip of the iceberg and does not tell the whole story. That is why we hope to share the story in a different way on the radio, where you can hear from the crew members themselves. We will keep you posted.

Say, you might be interested in doing something like this yourself? If so, you need to check out what Central Christian Church has to offer and get involved. You never know, it may change your life too.

Thanks for tuning in.

Minister of Defense, Xavier Smith

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