Sunday, December 27, 2009

Back to Old School Style Workouts

Hey what's happening everyone? I trust you all had a wonderful Christmas day! As for me, well I am happy for life, health and strength! Plus I got to see my daughter and spend time with her this past week. Life is good! But I digress. Today's post is about getting back to the basics of working out! With the hustle and bustle of today, we must not forget about tending to our temple which is a gift from the Creator. As such, if I were to liken this to a janitor keeping his school clean and orderly, some of us need to get back to work and do some serious cleaning up.

Anyway, a janitor always has the right tool for the job right? Well so do we when it comes to keeping our temple in shape and ready for life.

Here is the message of this post! There is a solution to your fitness needs!

These two items you see are basic in design but they work!

They are great to have when traveling, and really fun once you get into it.

Working out that is. Keeping the pounds off starts with a decision to do something about it! We are here to help.

Get back to the basics and get plugged into someone that wants to do the same thing. Like doing a boot camp together! What a novel concept.!

Here is the bottom line, you want to stay in shape for life, not to mention personal safety and self-defense. Keep yourself ready for whatever may come! If you need help with that, we have the solution for you.

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