Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Free Food And Playoff Basketball For All At The Deuce!

Hey people, this is your Minister of Defense, Xavier Smith, with Xcellent Solutions.  I am coming to you with another soluiton, this time to your entertainment needs!

Click here to download:
Steve_with_The_Deuce.MOV (39690 KB)

This video you watched is of my new friend Steve.  Steve is the owner of The Deuce in Downtown Phoenix.  The Deuce is... well it is just one awesome place for the entire family!

I just wanted to you know about this place because Steve is giving free food to all that show up.  So head out to The Deuce located at 525 S Central Ave. in Phoenix and watch the Sun's beat the Lakers tonight on one of the huge movie style televisions screens.

You have to be there to understand the the history behind this place!  Mention that you say the video of him doing those crazy pull ups and he may even give you more of a deal.

By the way, Steve is the second guy doing the pull ups.  Not bad for 40+ right?

Get down there and tell him that Xavier sent you!


Posted via web from Xcellent Solutions

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