Monday, July 12, 2010

Funny Thing About Perspective!

My wife and I recently celebrated our 2 year anniversary!  Yea!!!  Being the low-key type of people we are, we decided to celebrate by visiting this awesome place called "Feed My Starving Children."  http://FMSC.ORG

Their motto:  "Feeding Gods's Starving Children Hungry in Body and Spirit.

I am still on cloud nine about volunteering to package food for a wonderful organization!  We started by getting a briefing about the organization and the mission of feeding children that go hungry to the point of dying!  Then we got to package this calorie enriched meal consiting of a chicken flavoring, rice, vegetables, and soy!  We had a blast packaging this food destined for other countries, while dancing to music for an hour and a half!

I did not realize this but, while we were having such fun, dancing the the music with our bellies nice and full from the abundance of food here in America, the amount of food we packaged up on our short shift will make around 7,000 meals!  Wow, 7,000 people will be able to live another day and become the people they were created to be!



The above picture is of a couple of great people who heading this whole thing up in Tempe, which is a temporary home for this organization.

This is one of the many beautiful things that come from other countries made by some of the same children on the verge of death from starvation.


After doing this, my perspective changed and I realized as a business owner, and a human being, I was not doing enough to give back.  As such, I will be back to do it again.

If you want to volunteer and do something like this, you need to get a hold of Janine Skinner (Development Advisor) and donate your time!  You will be happy  you did!  Call her at 480.626.1970.  There temporary location is: 7965 S Priest Dr., St # 106 in Tempe, AZ 85284. 

Or you can email her:

 This is Xavier Smith, with another "Xcellent Solution!"  I am out!



Posted via email from Xcellent Solutions

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