Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Good Day at the Office

So today was a very good day for me. I mean I woke up first of all with this overwhelming feeling of thanks and gratitude. I sometimes take life for granted and complain because things do not seem to be going my way, all while I am still breathing, and I can see, hear, touch, taste, smell, all without thinking about it! Man, life is good, but I digress.

It was a good day for me because I got to work once again with my new partner in business Shane as he taught his course on concealed weapon carry permit. After a day with him, you are able to carry a concealed weapon on your person if you choose. Well I have the wonderful oppoutunity to speak to all that attended about some defensive techniques you can employ before you have to pull out your deadly weapon.

There were about 40 people in the class and I feel like I made 40 new friends! I spent a few minutes talking about some open hand techniques and creating space for yourself to get some help, and I have to say, every time I'm there, I feel like I'm the one having all the fun!

People were laughing and having a good time and I hope they all were able to learn something from being there.

So let me just take this moment to thank every person there for allowing the time to share with you all! I am honored to serve you all.

If any of you read this, feel free to leave some comments about the class. Let me know if you enjoyed it as much I did!

Want to learn more about how to get your CCW permit? Click here>>

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