Friday, February 13, 2009

Need Your Concealed Carry Permit?

So you know I am all about staying safe and staying out of harms' way. Well I would be remiss if I did not provide yet another solution for self protection.

We have the right to bear arms here in Arizona, at least for the time being and I have formed an alliance with someone who can help you get your concealed carry permit. His name is Shane Dodd and he is "Da Man" when it comes to concealed carry permits. The class is about eight hours and around $50 but don't take my word for it, click here and sign up for a class or better yet, email him at and find out when his next class is, because they fill up fast!

If you come to the class you will see me speak on unarmed defense and learn some techniques you can use before you have to use a deadly weapon.

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