Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Art of Self Defense Through the Mind!

Hello all, I hope all is well with you and yours. This past week I have gotten questions from women that are petite in size and concerned for their safety in regards to someone like me or bigger approaching them with evil intent.

Allow me to put some tools of knowledge in your mental toolbox and I talk about identifying some of the parts of the human body that are vulnerable to counter attack. Let us start at the top of the body and scan our way down shall we?

At the top and front of the body from the neck up, we have the ears, eyes, nose, and throat. There is no amount of "bulking up" you can do to protect these areas like you can do curls for your bicep muscle.

The ears are very sensitive, and even the smallest woman can bring a big, burly man down to his knees when you take the palm of your open hand and slam it into the ear, causing sever pain. You can even rupture the ear drum!

Taking your fingers or thumbs right into the eye sockets will also do the job of keeping someone away! It takes less than five pounds of pressure to damage the eyes! That is less than what it takes to crush a soda can.

Ball your fist up and turn it to the side as if holding a hammer and ram it into the nose to cause the nose to bleed, eyes to water, disorientation of your attacker.

A simple chop to the neck can stop the most determined aggressor in their tracks.

And then we have section two, which is from the neck to the waist. Right in the middle of you chest or where the stomach meets the chest, is your solar plexus. Taking a hit there even with the open hand can knock the wind out of someone. It's also a very good area to strike with the knee.

The ribs are always good targets for the hard and bony elbow. If a man can not breath, he can not fight.

Finally, there is section three, which is from the waist down. The groin is the favorite of most people under attack, however, there are more targets down below. With a background in Jujitsu, I am a big fan of striking the knees, inner thighs, and the top of the foot. I combine the knowledge of the human body and the element of surprise to gain the advantage when it comes to self defense. I also do this with my clients.

I am sure you have questions or comment, so feel free to leave me a comment or if you need lessons, find me on my website. If you need products, be sure to check us out as we have new items being added all the time.

Remember, everyone has the right to be safe.

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