Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Always Feel Like People Are Watching Me

Hello all. This is your minister of defense Xavier Smith with some food for thought.

Have you ever just taken a moment to observe other people? The next time you are out and about, I want you to notice how many people are deeply engrossed in whatever they are doing, they never notice what is happening in their surroundings. It is sad but true. Most people become victims to sexual assault or other crimes simply because they were not paying attention to what is going on around them. We don't have to let this happen. We can do something about being a victim.

As a on site self defense instructor, It is my job to make people more aware of the environment they are in. Chances are, by paying attention to what's going on around you and not trying to make that phone call while you are walking to your car, you can avoid a harmful situation. One of the first habits you should get into is getting into the right mindset before transitioning from one place to another. You should just take a deep breath, relax and understand what's about to take place before just walking out to the car with no plan in place in case something were to happen. You should also know to walk in a assertive manner (not aggressive) and keep the head up and make enough eye contact with other to let then know that you have noticed them. The bottom line is we can all do our part by being aware of what's going on around us and let those evil doers know there are no victims here!

This is your minister of defense, Xavier Smith, signing off. Be safe!

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