Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Note On Your Fitness

Hey everybody, this is your "Minister of Defense" Xavier Smith again with some good information on your health and fitness. Today, this article focus is on the abs. I want to share 10 tips on how to help get the six-pack. Let it be known that achieving great abs is not about working the ab muscles exclusively. You have to increase your cardio game and eat the right things in order to expect maximum results. With that said, let's get into some of the best exercises you can do to see the washboard of the mid-section. Just keep in mind, without the proper diet and fat-busting cardio discipline, like interval training, your ab work will be for nothing.


Sit on an exercise ball with feet about shoulder width apart. Lean back so that your back is
parallel to the floor. Straighten your arms and point them skyward. Squeeze your abs, just
like doing crunches while reaching for the ceiling with your fingertips. Hold at the top of the
movement for a count of three, then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Go for
10 reps.


Lie on your back with hand by the side of your ears and your legs folded at the knees(shape of
the letter L). Twist your hips slightly by contracting your obliques on the left side, hold, and
bring your right elbow to the left knee. Slowly lower yourself back down and do 10 reps, then
repeat on the other side.


This needs to be done on a decline bench. Lean back so your torso forms a 90 degree angle.
Put your arms straight out in front of you to form a 90 degree angle. Keep the back straight,
and make a half circle with your arms. While flexing your abs, move as quickly as you can
from right to left without sacrificing proper form or range of motion. Build up to doing this
for one minute without resting.


Done on a flat bench. Lie on the bench with your legs perpendicular to the bench. Hold on to
the bench for a stable feel. Lift your hips off the bench by contracting your lower abs, hold
there for a count of three, then lower back down slowly. Keep your back flat and on the bench
and your legs straight and in line with the rest of your body. Hold for three, and lower back
down. Go for 10 reps.


You will need a cable system for this one. Try around 25 pounds and use the handle atta-
chment at shoulder height with your left hand. Remain square to the machine and take a few
steps away from the machine until you feel enough tension. With your feet about shoulder
width apart, bring your right arm across your body, and bring the hands together while
holding the handle. Keep the arms straight and use the abs to bring your arms across your
body, as if your were chopping wood. Hence the title wood chop. Bring them back to the
starting position and do 10 reps on each side.


Lie down on your back with arms extended above your head. Lift both your arms and legs
towards the ceiling, until your fingertips touch your toes. Return to the starting position and
do 10 reps. This may one that you have to build up to. That's OK, you have to start some-


Lie on your back and form a "T" position with your arms for stability. Lift your legs so that
they are perpendicular to the floor, then rotate the hips, keeping them in contact with the
floor, moving the legs from right to left(the same motion of windshield wipers). Do this in a
slow and controlled fashion.


Lie on the bench with your legs folded at 90 degrees. Grab the bench for stability, and use
your ab muscles to pull your knees towards your chest until you reach your elbows. Hold for
a count of three and return to starting position. Go for 10 reps.


Place your right hip on the ball and lean into the ball and be sure your torso is off the ball.
Support yourself by pressing the feet against the wall. Put your hands to the side of your ears
and squeeze the left oblique muscles, while lifting the torso up and as high as you can. Hold
for three and go back down. Do 10 reps on each side.


Place your elbows on a flat bench and the balls of your feet on an exercise ball. Contract your
abs so your body is parallel to the floor and there is no dip on your lower back. Maintain this
position for one minute.

Well there you have it. If you are one of our "boot campers" you will know when do some of these exercises so you would be able to attest to the effectiveness. If you are not one of our boot campers, this can be a compliment to what you do at the gym. Within a few weeks, you will blown away by your new found rock hard midsection. Just be sure not to be that guy who takes off his shirt to display the abs at every opportunity.

I hope this helps you with your fitness goals! This is your "Minister of Defense" signing off.

To your fitness.

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