Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Important Is Your Life To You?

Greetings to all. This is your Minister of Defense, Xavier Smith with a question for you. What is more important to you, reading your text messages or arriving at your destination safe and sound? Now as you think about that question, I am sure your thoughts travel towards driving your car while texting or something right? Well my aim for this post is not so much driving safety, but rather your personal safety.

I stopped at a local shopping facility that rhymes with ball and cart, and I noticed a few things that made me wonder where people left their priorities. I saw a women texting or reading a text while walking out to her car. She was so engrossed in what she was doing, that she came within inches of my chest. Just imagine if I were someone wishing to do her harm! I also witnessed another lady who was at least eight feet in front of her daughter as they were both crossing in front of cars that were moving...very sad but true. Perhaps she did not have child safety on her mind? These are the type of people that become statistics! The sad fact is, there is much that can be done about not becoming a victim.

However, this post is not so much about self defense, or self defense products. This is a wake up call for all to wake up and get pro-active about personal safety, self defense and family safety. We know that safety is a concern for most or at least is should be, and it's our business, so let's come together on this and create a community of safety minded people.

Well it's time for me to get off my soap box. Let me know how you feel about this or anything for that matter. This your Minister of Defense, Xavier Smith, signing off.

To your safety.

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