Saturday, February 28, 2009

Survive to Stay Alive

Here is the scene. It's about 8:30 at night and the sun has given way to dimly lit parking lot lights and you are still at work because you have sent everyone else home for the evening. You finish up your work on the computer, go through your normal closing procedure, secure your building and grab your phone out of your purse to make a call as you walk to your car. The car is parked in the same spot because you are a creature of habit and nothing has ever happened before so you think nothing of it. Besides you think just because there is a very nice neighborhood on the other side of a three foot high wall that separates your workplace from suburbia, you will be just fine...

Because you were concerned about making that phone call, you did not bother to make that call from the inside of your secured workplace. Furthermore, you did not notice that two men who had been watching your routine for over two weeks had chosen this night to attack you.

So what do you think you would have done differently if this were you?

This particular story was not a true story fortunately, but let's pretend for a moment that is was! The truth is, it's a reality for someone. Bottom line... We need to be aware of our surroundings people!

So let's talk about some of the mistakes that were made by this person. What are some of the things that could have been done differently.

That means I need you (the reader) to participate in this conversation. Post your comments.

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