Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Insider information for you eyes only

So if it came right down to it, how do you think you would handle yourself when confronted with someone intent on doing your harm? Would you freeze up and be constricted with fear? Or would you be able to fight back and defend yourself or loved one if left with no other alternative?

I really want you to be honest with yourself, after all, some of you reading this are thinking that nothing will ever happen to you. Frankly, I hope you are right, and no conflict or aggression ever comes your way. However, wouldn't you rather be ready and prepared for anything that could happen? You would not travel without a spear tire for your car would you? I'll bet some of you even have an umbrella in your car in case it should rain, don't you?

My point is this, you are prepared in other areas of your life so why not just be prepared when it comes to taking a stand yourself or those you care about?

Now that I have you thinking, "What if," let me give you some information you can use.

Did you know it takes less than five pounds of pressure to damage the eye ball? Remember that the next time someone is trying to use their size against you. Jabbing straight into the eyes with your fingers will let them know you are not a victim.

I just thought I should let you know. Thank you for reading and remember to stay safe!

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